Rebirth of Ukraine


Ukraine’s economic system with the
MUNICIPALITY at its center
LOCAL BUSINESS driving economic growth



Economy of Trust
Ukraine Inc.



strategic NGO's industry

showroom global


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319 cities in
91 countries



OFFICE of economic

economic agencies
of ukraine

economic unions

We are the only organization with the capabilities to meet stringent standards demanded by the international community for governance and transparency with the ability to implement projects in Ukraine at scale.

Region by region, we are identifying profitable opportunities, channeling foreign investment, and preparing local leaders to participate in Ukraine’s future development.

We are the only company rebuilding Ukraine from the ground up.

Industries of
Economic Unions

Projects of
Economic Unions

Partners of the
Economic Unions

Natural Resources
of Economic Unions

who we are

EOTU is connecting Ukraine with the world and is uniquely positioned to drive Ukraine's redevelopment to unprecedented heights. Key to our strategy is stimulating significant economic growth in Ukraine's industrial parks and regional economies over the next decade. We continue gaining momentum with solid commercial partnerships, a clear business vision to invigorate revitalization, innovative financial vehicles, vetted stakeholders, and a network of expert specialists. Region by region, we are identifying profitable opportunities, channeling foreign investment, and preparing local leaders to participate in Ukraine’s future development. At the same time, we are problem-solving for fraud and corruption while ensuring capital investment protection, stable legal jurisdiction, efficiency, and scalability.

We are the only company rebuilding Ukraine from the ground up.

EOTU Inc. is a Delaware USA corporation dedicated to channeling foreign investment into Ukraine across numerous verticals including industrial parks, biomass, and waste. It has assembled a global A team of experts in areas ranging from law to finance to technology. UMEDA is a Ukraine corporation dedicated to providing a host of impactful services to municipal leaders and local businesses. The Mayors’ Club, a Ukraine non-profit, is Ukraine’s sole association of mayors, with 600 members currently.

vision of new ukraine

Economic union of adjasent municipalities to


Henry Shterenberg

EOTU Inc. Founder and CEO

Cornelius Cawley

EOTU Inc. Co-Founder & COO

Yuliya Chufistova


Eva-Lotta Sjostedt

Advisory Chairwoman for EOTU

Marty Teevan

Advisory board member EOTU

Lars Petersson

Advisory board member EOTU

Mark Corbidge

Advisory Board Member EOTU

Anastasia Fliahina

UMEDA General Manager

OUR GLOBAL Ambassadors

Bruce Talley, USA

Svetlana Tesic, Belgium

Florian Andrews, Germany

Freerk Faber, Netherlands

Gustavo Lopez Ghory, Switzerland

Tomoko Hoshino, Japan

Abdul Qadir Bahman, France

Sven Versteegh, Netherlands

Inna Dikoun, Netherlands

Economy of Trust coalition of international corporations and NGOs

Strategic partners

Industry partners


Service partners

what we do

At the heart of this historic project are Ukraine’s newly created economic unions. Our partnership has been hard at work persuading local leaders to band together to create synergies in the form of economic unions. Working together in groups the municipalities identify their own regional needs, resources, and opportunities. They provide standardized information in a systematic manner that will be appealing to foreign investors and grant providers alike. Thus far we have created 15 unions covering 63 municipalities representing close to 2 million people! This is a historic win-win for local governments and foreign investors.

EOTU, UMEDA, and the Mayors’ Club understand that the local leaders of Ukraine need to be prepared to work with international companies who will soon be entering their areas and creating jobs. We recognize the need to educate and certify the leaders of Ukraine at the local level. We are rolling out a series of rigorous courses designed and led by some of the world’s leading experts in topics ranging from anticorruption to finance. These local leaders can also avail themselves of our expert sessions designed to provide them with targeted information on a more regular schedule. The prestigious law firm of Hughes, Hubbard & Reed will be the first to present to the mayors on the topics of fraud and corruption. This is all at no cost to the local leaders!

Few understand that Ukraine committed to a decentralization process years before the war. Significant federal powers devolved to the local municipalities. Today local leaders have great authority and responsibility but no international voice. Our partnership is engaging a prominent Washington DC lobbying company to give voice to Ukraine’s localities in the US Congress and elsewhere. 

We are also providing local businesses with a menu of services at very low monthly costs to them. UMEDA’s Business Development Office is providing its companies with access to the Mayors’ Club, international businesses, and the EOTU global network of experts in finance, law, technology, waste and recycling, construction, design, and more. As UMEDA Members and Participants these companies will utilize our digital platform to showcase their business to audiences all over the world. In the coming months we will be offering these companies services and expertise related to running and growing their business. Ukraine’s 1.8+ million businesses will benefit greatly from our joint efforts.

our impact

I. Industrial Parks.

We will facilitate deal flow into Ukraine's tax-advantaged industrial parks with companies specializing in packaging, water ozonation, modular housing, "Smart" light poles, and more. We are also identifying valuable land that can be purchased and used for future industrial parks in our blue ocean model. 

II. Biomass.

With millions of hectares of land available, Ukraine is well-positioned to lead the Green Revolution as a top biomass producer in crops such as Miscanthus Giganteus (M.G.). EoTU is in talks with the owner of one of the most desirable strains, which will be a source of valuable carbon credits for years.  

III. Waste and Recycling.

EoTU is partnering with Waste Ukraine Analytics, Ukraine's top waste analytics company, to address the country's massive waste and recycling problem. National priorities include eradicating Ukraine's thousands of landfills and creating a sustainable waste-to-recycling-purchase cycle. Our friendship with the U.S. Waste and Recycling Association will also prove invaluable in our efforts.   

IV. Industrial Real Estate and Equipment Finance.

EoTU has partnered with a project and structured finance expert to lead our funding efforts. All construction projects, from industrial parks to waste treatment facilities, will be financed through Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), which will provide investors with the stability of U.S. jurisdiction while minimizing the overall risk to stakeholders through a leased build-to-suit model.   

V. New Era Sports and Academics ("NESA").

Our NESA centers will provide Ukrainian children, ignored to date, with a comfortable, welcoming, and community-centered environment for learning and recreation. This concept energizes municipal leaders. NESA is the brainchild of Henry Shterenberg, our founder, who built a thriving Massachusetts center 20 years ago.   

get involved

EOTU Inc. is proud to present this handbook which will allow you as an Ambassador to understand the full nature of your position and to be better able to educate prospective partners about our company and our business model. 

EOTU Inc. is connecting Ukraine with the world. We are uniquely positioned to drive Ukraine’s redevelopment to unprecedented heights. Key to our strategy is stimulating significant economic growth in Ukraine's industrial parks and regional economies over the next decade. We continue to gain momentum with our solid commercial partnerships, a clear business vision to invigorate revitalization, innovative financial vehicles, vetted stakeholders, and a network of expert specialists. We are only company dedicated to rebuilding Ukraine from the ground up. 

The Role of the Ambassador

Consistent with the EOTU Ambassador agreement and our code of ethics, included herein as Appendix A, the role of the Ambassador is to promote the good work that EOTU is undertaking across the world to revitalize Ukraine. Your expertise and network contacts may prove immensely helpful to the people of Ukraine. Perhaps a company you know is thinking about expanding its operations into a cost-effective business environment such as Ukraine. Perhaps a personal contact is interested in one of our numerous verticals and wishes to support the people of Ukraine in this difficult time by providing investment dollars.

Whatever the motivation, investors will benefit from our personalized approach to entering Ukraine. No sensible investor would enter Ukraine, a nation at war with a history of fraud and corruption, without doing their due diligence and ensuring that the partners they are working with have problem solved for these headaches. 

We are open to talking with any potential partner or investor about Ukraine's amazing opportunities and our one-of-a-kind business model that can get their company into Ukraine in an efficient manner. We know that our business model is working. This has been confirmed by numerous outside experts who themselves are looking for opportunities to invest in Ukraine. Our motto is, “Soon it will be too late to be early.” We truly believe that as the idea of doing business in Ukraine picks up speed every day. 

We stand ready to help you carry out your position as an Ambassador. EOTU is dedicated to doing whatever we can to facilitate relationships with prospective global clients and partners. Let our hard work and unique business model help you and your contacts by providing a one stop shop for everything related to entering Ukraine. 

Please email Neil’s email: